Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday Fill-Ins
1. I must go to Disney World before I die.
2. You can't stop the beat. Sadie says, "T.S."
3. I wish I never had to buy laundry detergent again.
4. Robby has helped me change my life.
5. I know the song I'm singing by heart.
6. If I weren't so afraid, I would jump out of an airplane.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to El Camino with Nonnie and my family, tomorrow my plans include more Christmas with the fam and Sunday, I want to enjoy the Tirey Christmas.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Snowman Ornaments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Homemade Gifts

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday Fill-Ins on Saturday: Holiday Song Edition
The instructions said to fill in the lyrics either with the correct ones or with something silly.
You can go here to see where I got this. My answers are in green.
1. Said the night wind to the little lamb, "Do you hear what I hear?" (or was it see, or was it why aren't you asleep yet?)
2. The first Noel, the angel did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay. (What is a noel? And should the shepherds have been laying--aren't they supposed to be watching? If I were laying I'd be asleep.)
3. Go tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and everywhere.
4. It came upon the midnight clear, la la la la la la. (Do the la las to the melody, please.)
5. Darling, Let your heart be light. (I've never heard this one.)
6. And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing every other spring. (or this one)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to fish fry at Umbarger, tomorrow my plans include finishing my necklace orders, and Sunday, I want to put up mom's tree.
Tried to be witty, but my brain is finished for the day and I still have some things to do. I realize it is Saturday, but I think it'd be fun if you join in on this one. Let me know if you do. The Friday Fill-Ins page is here.
Side Note
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Pioneer Woman
Yesterday I got to wondering if I could have made it as a pioneer woman. I don't know if I can answer the question based on not having water yesterday because I did have electricity and heat all day.
I can't imagine having to take care of a household without running water or electricity. I guess in pioneer times they didn't think twice about it because they didn't know any differently. I'm thankful there were pioneer women who braved the elements, but I'm equally thankful I have all of the modern amenities I do.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Winter in the Country
No water today--hopefully the heat tape was bad and all we have to do is get the pipe thawed out and new heat tape. (I say all we have to do; mom and Robby will probably be the ones out there in the freezing weather doing it)
So, say a prayer for our water...I'll update later.
2:00 update--water is dripping from my faucet!!! We are having a heat wave, it is up to 19 degrees.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday Fill-ins (on Saturday)
1. Friends make life more fun.
2. Good health; it's healthy. (I know, not so good, but this one threw me a bit)
3. I'm ready for Christmas break.
4. Fresh from the shower smelling like soap is one of my favorite perfumes or aftershaves or smells.
5. The oldest ornament I have is one from Grandma's tree. It is one of those that is a Styrofoam base with beads and sequins pinned on it.
6. Take some boys, dirt and water, mix it all together and you have one fun time.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Bonza Bottler at the McBroom's, tomorrow my plans include dinner and bowling with adults, and Sunday, I want to watch the kids in the Sunday school Christmas program.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bell Ringer--Part 2
Hopefully if we keep explaining, the reason we put money in the kettle, it will sink in.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Happy Has a Visitor
When we pulled into church today, we saw Bernie getting his mule Polly ready to go. They had spent a few nights under Happy's water tower. On our way to Tulia, we saw them on the service road and as we were leaving Tulia, we saw them coming into town. Can you imagine only traveling around 15 miles per day?
Also--Happy seems to be the place for adventurers. A man flying his airplane (a fairly small, old one) back to Alaska ran out of gas and landed somewhere around Happy. According to those who witnessed it, he walked up to Jackie's (our local fillin' station) and filled a gas can, refueled his plane and took off.
For those of you not from here, Happy is in the Texas Panhandle about 36 miles south of Amarillo and 90 miles north of Lubbock. Come see us anytime, we're always ready for a good adventure.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Conversations at Wal Mart
"They are supposed to ask you what kind when you order Coke. They ask me what I want to drink and I say 'Coke.' They never ask me what kind so I always end up with Coke instead of Dr. Pepper."
I really, really wanted to say, "No way, I can't imagine why they'd give you a Coke instead of a Dr. Pepper." But, I did not.
- Our checker was a lovely young thing--no smile at all. She literally threw our items into the sacks as she was checking us out. Then she told us the total and crossed her arms until I handed her the check. I guess it is hard to keep the holiday spirit when you are a checker and have been listening to Christmas music and seeing decorations for two months. I won't tell you what I wanted to say to her.
- I know all of you are already planning your Valentine's decorations and are worried if you'll be able to find any. Never fear, JoAnn's already has them out--right next to the Christmas items that are already 60% off.
I just love having to go to stores this time of year.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Winter Thoughts
- How did I forget how much I love (please note the sarcasm) being a zookeeper in winter? The chicken waterers are thawing in the bathtub as I write this.
- I never really appreciated that my dad would feed and water our pigs in the mornings in the winter. After hauling water to the pigs I see how fortunate I was.
- My "water proof" gloves are not.
- Hopefully my legs and face will thaw out by lunch.
Friday Fill-Ins
1. Snow is fun but makes life interesting here at the zoo.
2. I'm looking forward to my family being here over the holidays.
3. My kids are the best kids ever!
4. One of my favorite old TV shows is Seinfeld (does it count as old?).
5. I'm done with most of my Christmas shopping.
6. The most enjoyable thing around the holidays is hanging out with the family and playing games.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to grocery shopping (how sad), tomorrow my plans include a lamb jackpot and Sunday, I want to finally get our Christmas tree up!
Feel free to join in, you can copy and paste from here or go to this site and get the list there.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Gift Ideas
On this site, Granny Sue's News and Reviews, she offers some very simple, very thoughtful Christmas gift ideas. Check it out.
I was exaggerating (but not much) in the first paragraph. This Christmas, try to go with the flow. Don't stress about the small stuff--you can't even see the floor where our tree is supposed to go. Take time for yourself, take time for your family. Make an attempt to savor the moments and memories. Have fun! And, most of all, don't forget the real reason we have Christmas. Celebrate the birth of Jesus with everyone you come in contact with. Maybe if we all started trying to go back to the basics of the holiday we could start a national trend or something (I can dream, can't I?)
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Bell Ringer
On the way out, I handed him some change and he went over and dropped his money in the kettle. Then, he just stood there looking at the man. The man said thank you and T.S. kept standing there. Finally, I told the man that T.S. was really wanting to ring the bell. The kind man let T.S. ring it and his day was made.
I wonder if he'll think he's paying to ring a bell this year.
Some Things to Ponder
- Hobby Lobby has got to be the only national chain store left in the universe that does not swipe bar codes. I think they enjoy watching people stand in long lines waiting to check out while they type in each item. I also think they like the fact that the receipt is so confusing when you are finished that you have no idea if you were charged correctly or not. And, after waiting in line for so long, you aren't about to question.
- I usually have a plan of what I will be buying when I go to a store. Tonight, lots of people were aimlessly wandering around (in my way) looking at Toys R Us--come on people, T.S. and I have spent hours pouring over sale catalogs and perusing the Internet to make our list!
- Sam's was actually not very crowded. I don't know if it was because it was later in the evening or if all of those people were a) stuck in line at Hobby Lobby or b) wandering around Toys R Us trying to decide what to get people for Christmas.
Just some thoughts--on a bright note, I'm almost finished with all of my shopping. Now if I could just get the projects I've started finished.
Free Dr. Pepper
Speaking of Dr. Pepper, our house is divided. Robby and Sadie are "Peppers" and T.S. and I are Coke drinkers. My whole life, Nonnie was a Coke drinker, too. She also loved a Hershey bar. She'd keep both in the fridge (she even let us put peanut butter and marshmallows on our candy bar--you should try it). Now that she is in the nursing home, she has been preferring Dr. Pepper and Butterfingers--go figure.
As a kid, I remember we were in Ruidoso one year at an art festival--we got to take the Pepsi challenge. I chose the Coke.
Robby really likes the Dublin Dr. Peppers that have real sugar in them. He also swears there are really 23 flavors like they advertise.
One other thing--shouldn't the band "Guns'N'Roses" be retired by now and possibly in a nursing home?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Spelling Help
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What I am getting to is that it brought back really good memories of Nonnie making biscuits. When we asked for the recipe, she would always say that it depended on how many people were eating that day. No matter how pressed for time she was, she would always let Sadie help her. I wish I had a picture of the little toddler sitting on that cabinet helping make biscuits. Nonnie would always let Sadie "make" a few of her own and bake them. Usually by the time Sadie was finished playing with the dough, they didn't rise much and turned out a little hard when cooked.
I am so grateful that Sadie, Nonnie and I have that memory. Sadie still talks about making biscuits.
One More Thing...
- Why are we limited to one wafer/piece of bread/cracker (whatever your church gives out) during communion?
- If a man is hungry enough to steal a handful of those little wafers (which wouldn't even come close to filling you up) then shouldn't he be allowed to have them?
- If Jesus were giving communion, don't you think He'd have said, "Here, take them all?"
- One of the many problems with the church (every church, not just one single denomination) is we have gotten too caught up in the way we do things. We've gotten into the business of why and how instead of just taking care of people and treating them with love and respect.
I think that is all for my soapbox this morning. I'll step down and go make breakfast.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Random Thoughts--some serious, some not so much
- My heart is heavy today. My friend Brandon is battling cancer. He received some not so good news this week. Please pray for him, his wife Jenny and their family. On the same note, I hope that when life hands me lemons I can be as faithful and courageous as Brandon has been and continues to be.
- The cats must go outside soon--when you find one in the refrigerator, you know it is time. You should have seen me searching cabinets in the kitchen trying to find the quiet meow for help.
- Got a package in the mail today--that always makes me happy. (yes, it was something I ordered, but still, it was a package)
- I think I've gotten this resin stuff figured out--now for time to complete some necklaces and start marketing.
- Shipo is cutting the Milo, nothing cooler than a combine in the field with a sunset in the background. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to take some photos tomorrow. The boys will be thrilled to go watch.
Thanks for letting me share my thoughts. Have a great evening/day! Remember to be thankful. Trey Morgan's post today will make you count your blessings.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans' Day
If you are fortunate enough to live in this country, send your kids to school, worship where you choose, read this blog...
Thank a Vet!
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Face of the Homeless
As I stood there visiting with some of them, I felt a little guilty that I had a nice coat, gloves and most of all a warm home to return to. I also felt a huge sense of how blessed we are to have a home and all the "stuff" we do. Sometimes you have to see first hand what all you have to be thankful for.
So take some time today to count your blessings and remember those who are less fortunate than us.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Annie Get Your Gun
I think all of the concern is a little over the top. I imagine most of the people buying guns already have a few. I've always asked my husband why we need more than one (that's a whole different post in itself.) Should we be concerned that so many people are purchasing guns? If they don't already have a gun, why do they need one? Should I drop by the gun shop when I go to town today? Maybe we should build on to the house so we can stock-pile ammunition. Have you bought your gun today?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
212 Degrees
The most important thing she spoke about was going the extra step or the extra degree. She used this video to really drive home the point.
Are you going the extra degree?
Kudos to Maci and Wesley from Happy for their outstanding job at the fair. Maci won 2nd and $750 and Wesley won 3rd and $500--all for going the extra degree. You can see more about Wesley's project and his family's business--The Happy Toymaker.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Random "Stuff" on the Internet


Monday, November 3, 2008
Play and Feed
Thursday, October 30, 2008
1. Where is your cell phone? counter
2. Where is your significant other? bed
3. Your hair color? natural
4. Your mother? farmer
5. Your father? heaven
6. Your favorite thing? kids
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your dream/goal? success
9. The room you’re in? office
10. Your hobby? crafts
11. Your fear? underachieving
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you’re not? superwoman
15. One of your wish-list items? money
16. Where you grew up? Happy
17. The last thing you did? news
18. What are you wearing? sweats
19. Your TV? OFF
20. Your pet? numerous
21. Your computer? cool
22. Your mood? mixed
23. Missing someone? Jennifer
24. Your car? dirty
25. Something you’re not wearing? contacts
26. Favorite store? NONE
27. Your summer? memorable
28. Love someone? heckyeah
29. Your favorite color? red
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? today
So, if you made it all the way through, you need to know that I HATE choosing favorites. I'd invite anyone that wants to participate to do so. It'd be really cool if you'd leave a comment with your address so we can check out your answers and if you'd link back to this blog from yours.
Visit the North Pole
You can go here and visit the North Pole. Play games, read stories, write stories,write a letter to Santa. (Santa will write you back) All kinds of stuff awaits you. There is even a quiz you can take to see where you rank on the Naughty or Nice list. What caught my eye today, though, was the "Good Deeds Calendar." You can print one out for the month of your choosing. It is pretty much what I call a chore chart. It has several things your kids probably are doing or supposed to be doing every day. The kids are to keep track of what they do and leave the calendars under the tree for Santa to see.
Brilliant!! Instead of saying--"Santa might not come if..." You can just say, "What do you think Santa will think of you good deeds calendar?" What a fun thing to do as a family as you head into this hectic time. Keep track of your good deeds--emphasize the positive.
Have fun at the North Pole!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thoughts of Halloween
I've been thinking about where we'll take the kids trick or treating this Friday. It is an away football game so lots of people will not be home. But, I remembered that most of the homes we are expected to "haunt" will have eager candy givers just waiting for our arrival. How cool is it that my kids will trick or treat at many of the homes I did as a kid? That got me thinking of places we must stop and places that I wish we could still visit.
Here are a few places I remember going to as a child:
- Hobart and Anna Mae's--Anna Mae always had those spiced muffin/cupcakes with the ghost made out of a sucker (Tootsie Pop, I believe) and Kleenex. It was always in the middle of the muffin. I never cared much for the muffin or the sucker, but I thought the whole thing together was way cool and I had to have it.
- Grandmother Sims--she always made popcorn balls. Have you ever tried to make them?
- Burnett--she had reserve candy for her "special" friends. (Sadie was fortunate enought to get to visit her some)
- Si and Willa--Si would always make us say our name, etc. for the video camera. We really should all get together with Si to view those someday--he turns ninety soon. I imagine Aunt Louise will be there to help him this year.
- Ruth Mann--She'd always take our picture and send it to us later. I remember the year we went with the Whites and were Star Wars characters. (there's another post--costumes you remember)
We'll probably drop in on Si, Roberta, Cone, the Butlers (Sadie went in their house one year and started up the stairs), and Bob and Pat's for sure. Only in Happy does trick or treating take awhile because you are sometimes expected to go in for a short visit. Robby and I will probably score some candy, too. If you are in Happy Friday, feel free to join us.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
El Camino Update
Friday, October 24, 2008
Another One of Those Days
I hate days like this because they are days of my own making. I'm the one that agrees to feeding cottontail bunnies. I'm the one that started feeding the 4 orphan kittens. Biscuit has never been interested in eating the solid food. He politely refused to drink from the saucer. He would spit out the softened cat food when I put it in his mouth. He was content to stay on the bottle. I was determined it was time to be weaned. So now, I feel a little guilty--I could have bought more kitten milk and kept bottle feeding him. But would that have benefited him in the long run?
I realized we are all sometimes like Biscuit. Sometimes we want to be bottle-fed. We don't want to switch over to the solid food. There are several references in the New Testament that use the analogy of switching from milk to solid food and growing in our spiritual life. We don't do ourselves any favors by taking the easy way. As parents we sometimes have to watch our kids struggle as they grow and mature. No one said life or parenting was easy, even if you're a mama cat.
Sometimes I just don't like life lessons...wouldn't it be nice if they were all sunshine and roses?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
An Up and Down Day
Today has definitely been a day of ups and downs:
- Biscuit (kitten) will still not eat solid food.
- T.S. had fun playing with the kittens.
- Tiger (kitten) had an accident and now seems to have some head trauma. He has improved tremendously since the incident, but I don't think we are out of the woods yet
- T.S. cried and cried about Tiger and is now elated that he is "better." I have a bad feeling about what still may happen.
- T.S. and I built a cool train track today (one of our best)
- Flu shots: T.S. cried and threw a fit before hand; his arm doesn't hurt at all now. Sadie and I were "big girls" and our arms are terribly sore.
- Some of the craft stuff I ordered is here--can hardly wait to get busy.
Overall it was a pretty good day--I think.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Another thing I remembered was going to eat there with Grandma and Grandad and several cousins for something. We all got to have sopapillas. We were allowed to not only have honey with them but to mix sugar with our honey. The honey came in honey bears. We started squeezing them until just a little honey was coming out, then we'd let go and the honey would go back in the bottle. We were all laughing so hard that Grandma was in tears. We recall that story often and always have a laugh. Honey doesn't come in the bears anymore, it does come in packets and is still good on sopapillas with sugar mixed in. (I tried it again this summer just to be sure).
The relish plates and honey bears are a thing of the past, but out own individual cheese dip and it being a treat to go with Nonnie to El Camino are things that haven't changed.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Campbell's Soup and FFA
Speaking of FFA--Robby has almost finished buying all the pigs his kids need. The BBQ bus traveled to a Firestone opening on Saturday. After that, Firestone reserved the bus for the Tech-tu game. We are so excited, the bus is great advertisement for the Happy FFA program and all of the great people who helped fund the project. I believe Firestone is even going to make a donation to the chapter and possibly fund a scholarship. Needless to say, Robby is thrilled.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A Day in the City
- If the economy is so bad, why are all of these people in Amarillo and in my way? Traffic was pretty heavy and all of the places that I think would be hurt in this "bad" economy seemed to be doing well--nail salons, restaurants, the mall. You had to wait in line to exit the mall area.
- Why on earth would you choose the weekend to have 1/3 of a parking lot of a shopping center resurfaced?
- Sam's apparently is in the middle of resurfacing their parking lot, too. The whole lot was available, but parts didn't have lines. You can imagine the craziness; some aisles (is that what you call them in a parking lot?) didn't have room for two cars to go by at the same time.
- Those crafty people at Hobby Lobby are scary drivers, both in the parking lot and in the store.
- I finally bought myself some boots today. I have never spent that much
on something to wear in my life. They are pretty cool and should last several years. Sorry, the picture isn't that great.
I ate lunch at Great Harvest Bread Company. Yummy, homemade bread and an incredible amount of meat and cheese on the sandwich. Even bought a few loaves for the family.
Random Thoughts
- Do you think the chickens miss the eggs when I take them everyday? I wonder if they go back in their house and think, "I know I left it here, or maybe is was over there...where'd I leave it?"
- Browsing through blogs I've noticed that a lot of families have been to pumpkin patches and apple orchards. Do you think they know they can grow their own pumpkins at home in a flower bed or large pot? Should we tell them? Maybe I should just have a pumpkin patch next year.
- How much money do you think Wal Mart loses at the self-checkout line? (had a while to ponder that one in the "real person check you out line")
Thursday, October 16, 2008
You'd Think I'd Know Better
It is a gorgeous day today, the rain has stopped the sun is shining, all is right with the world. I'm trying to be domestic today, so while I am hanging wash out on the line (how green of me) the boys are playing on the driveway. I finish hanging out the wash and tend to the chickens. On my way in to the house to put the eggs in the fridge, "CW, stay away from that puddle. Let's not throw rocks in it."
I come back outside--he's by the puddle again (of course). He grins and moves away. I realize the bottom of his pants are wet. "Oh no," I think, "if his pants are wet so are his shoes."
On the way in the house I ask two-year old CW a stupid question, "Why'd you get in the puddle?" To which he replies, "because..." I finish the answer for him, "Because it was there."
The pants are in the wash, hopefully the shoes will be dry by this afternoon. Sorry B, at least your son is having fun.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Benefit's of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom (or why I hang out with preschoolers and toddlers)
- Easy to hold up your end of the conversation
- Very positive work place--toddlers and preschoolers aren't concerned about the economy, the election or much else besides what the next activity is and when it will be time for snacks
- Fun games like RazBilly
- Freedom to express yourself--they love my artwork
- Get to play with Play Doh, markers, paint and make collages
- Nap Time
- I get to witness lots of cool milestones
- Snacks
- Can wear your pajamas all day and no one minds.
- I always have a reason (or 3) for why the house is such a mess.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Controversial Doll
The news station has a special loop to hear it over and over again; they even slow it down for you. Listen to the doll before reading the story. Click here to see the full story and listen to the doll.
Let me know what you think you hear.
I can't decide if the doll really says what they say it says or if I just think it does because I've heard them say what the doll supposedly says. Does that make sense?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Another Cool Site
The Best Kids Book Site. It's an " Interactive Media Channel where Books, Crafts, Pod casts, Online Video, and Web Resources" Intersect. I haven't had time to explore it fully yet, but if you go to their blogs, they have a craft of the day, coloring page of the day and even stories to listen to. The site itself has coloring pages and crafts as well. It has book recommendations and links to to other sites for nearly any subject you imagine. I think you could probably spend hours just looking around at this site. I did notice that there are lots of ads--but that's the price you pay for "free" coloring pages and crafts.
I wonder if I could get a job searching for cool sites and then telling about them???
Saturday, October 11, 2008
In Search of the Perfect Pomegranate
I was very excited in the produce department the other day. Pomegranates are starting to arrive. They are an indulgence for me as they are a little pricey. From now until I get tired of eating them, I'll be on a quest to find the perfect one--juicy, sweet, but not too sweet and a little tart. It is kind of hard to get to the seeds, but the effort is worth it. The seeds are tasty and crunchy--what more could you want in a snack (and healthy, too). The other thing I like about this fruit is that no one else in my family likes them, so I don't have to share. You can click here to see pictures of pomegranates from bloom to fruit and then to the tasty seeds. It is really an interesting and pretty process.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Bonza Bottler Day
Please go to the official site and check it out. They have recently updated it. Click on party pictures and see if you recognize anyone!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What I've far
I've learned that 'it' is going to happen, so you might as well smile and make an adventure of 'it'.
This has been a really hard list for me to come up with. I really like what everyone else had to say (all three of you). When I read them, I thought,"yeah, me too." So here's what I've got so far.
- Life is all about choices. Your choices determine what happens, from your attitude to your income--so choose wisely. Don't be afraid to admit you made the wrong choice, you can always choose again.
- Dishes, laundry and the house will wait; your kids and family will not. When I die, I want my family to say, "Boy, we sure had some fun times." Not, "We had the cleanest house in town." (not that the latter would happen.)
I was really hoping to come up with something profound. I think it all boils down to:
Life is as simple as you choose to make it. Love freely, laugh a lot and share that love and laughter with everyone around you while you can.
Monday, October 6, 2008
What You have Learned
- Nothing is too big for God.
- You never know where life is going to take you and what you are going to find once you are there.
- Life is never how you pictured it.
- It's a small world.
- Life is too short to try to please everyone.
- Sometimes you get what you need, not what you want.
- It's easy to hold a grudge, and a lot harder to find a way to forgive and move forward.
- There's no place like home and no one like family.
I'm working on the list of things I've learned so far. Feel free to comment and let me know what you have learned. I hope we are all learning something every day and that we can learn from each other.
New Features
- Verse of the week--I'm attempting to learn a verse each week with my sister, feel free to join us.
- Click for Mammograms--Click the pink ribbon to go directly to the site to click to fund free mammograms
- Followers--click to sign up to follow this outstanding blog
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Christmas Gifts
- It is one size fits all--they showed it on adults and children. The kids looked like they might be missing arms, because the sleeves were so roomy and long.
- It's buy one get one free (you have to pay the additional processing fee--which is probably $19.95--I didn't catch that, the print was too small)
- Comes in 3 colors--aqua, red and blue.
- Walking around in their Snuggies, everyone looked a little like monks in a monastery . The people in the commercial even wore them to keep warm at a football game. Excellent idea, but again--monks at a football game is a little strange.
- I can see Robby and Cody now in their Snuggies. Let me know which color you want, guys.
If any of you already own a Snuggie, I hope I don't offend you. Like I said, it really looks like something I might like. Also, if you already have one let me know, I don't think anyone needs two. I'll have to get you something else for Christmas--maybe a Chia pet or the booklight that is free with the Snuggie purchase (gotta stretch those dollars).
Friday, October 3, 2008
Interesting Blogs
On another note, apparently no one reads this but my sister which is going to make my idea of compiling a list of things we've learned so far a little difficult. So come on people, take a chance, leave a comment or drop me a line. I'm not asking for a dissertation or a novel, just a line or two. I'll even let you be anonymous when I post my list.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Mother of the Year
T.S.: Mom, when are we going to bake the Halloween cookies? (the kind with the pumpkin already on them)
Me: Let me eat breakfast first.
T.S.: No, we have to cook them now. That's what I'm having for breakfast.
They are baking as we speak. Yes, I let my child eat cookies for breakfast.
I know, you are petitioning now to have my "Mommy Button" taken away--I could hear the gasps as you read that I let my kid eat cookies for breakfast. Don't pretend--you know you've done it once or twice, too.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
What Have You Learned?
Yesterday I ran across this website titled "Things I have learned in my life so far." You can illustrate the thing you have learned and send it to this site and they will post it. Very interesting and hard to stop looking at all of the things people have shared. (a few, but not many, were a little weird and not really for young eyes)
My favorite was, "My attitude, my choice and I'm choosing happy."
The sight got me thinking/wondering--what have I learned in my life so far? (have to check back for a future post for that nugget of wisdom)
What have you learned in your life so far? Please leave it in a comment or email me (to do that you must know me and already have my email address). I'll try to compile our own list of things we've learned.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Incomplete Thoughts
- Kids seem to deplete brain cells faster than beer or wine ever could.
- I find myself starting one thing, then being interrupted for another and not going back to complete the first thing. If I can't even remember what I was doing, then how can I remember what I was thinking?
- Everything seems to be more important than what I'm thinking.
What to do about it:
- I've been checking out a website that has a word of the day--problem is, trying to fit the word into a conversation with toddler boys is impossible. When an adult is finally here, I've forgotten the word.
- The above website has word games. I play those, I think they are preserving a little bit of my brain function but definitely not improving or helping me regain any memory loss. (They always warned us that once you killed those brain cells they can't come back)
- Saw an ad for a spa treatment that is supposed to help with memory. They were running a special--I thought the price wasn't bad. Until I realized the price per night just included your room. The price of the treatments would make you want to forget, not remember.
My conclusions: I think as a mom you just have to accept the fact that the mind is one of the first things to go and it is not necessarily your fault. Any suggestions on having complete thoughts and then remembering them are greatly appreciated. Maybe we could start a support group or get our disorder labeled as an "official disability." Then we could probably apply for government assistance or something.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Even Stranger News
- Imagine if PETA spent all of their energy and resources on something useful--they might could solve the energy crisis or end world hunger.
- Picture a dairy with cows lining up waiting to be milked--now put lactating women in the place of the cows. Not a pretty picture.
- If they were to pay women for their breast milk to make ice cream, wouldn't lots of children starve? Or worse yet--wouldn't they have to have formula (gasp)?
- Could women even produce enough milk in a timely fashion to make large amounts of ice cream?
- If milking cows is inhumane, then why is it okay to milk women?
- The whole idea is just way gross.
Feel free to leave a comment about what you think.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Strange News
- If you are going to steal a beer truck, make sure it is loaded (DUH)
- Most stores have signs posted saying "No shoes, no shirt, no service." They didn't say anything about pants.
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I think I was offended.
How crazy! I have three boys at my house that love to bake cupcakes and play restaurant in the play room. Just yesterday they were taking turns feeding a baby doll and pushing her around in the stroller. One of them even went "grocery" shopping and ask me to find a sack so he could take his groceries home and then "go to work."
I am thrilled that these boys are willing to play and take on these "roles." Thank goodness they don't know that they are supposedly for girls. No wonder our society is so messed up--we start out early telling girls and boys what their role is supposed to be instead of letting them try everything out and decide that everyone can do everything. Thankfully no one told my husband what his is--he is the best vacuum runner I have ever seen and he knows his way around the kitchen.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Have you clicked today?
What a great way to start the day--by feeling like one click is making a difference. So, have you clicked today?
Monday, September 22, 2008
I'm a Winner!!
I am also, according to some family members, a fount of useless knowledge. So, if you need to know something random, I am your answer. I don't think I'll charge for my services, yet. Although I did find out this weekend that you can not ask vets questions on the Internet for free--which I think is silly.
FYI--Biscuit opened his eyes today, so the kittens are between 10 and 14 days old. (see useless knowledge--but it isn't useless unless you don't use it, so HA)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Happy, Texas USA
Yes, there really is a Happy, Texas and yes, we're "happy in Happy" most of the time.
My friend, Rowdy, has put together a cool site with lots of info on/for/about Happy. I told him I'd plug it, so check it out:
On the family note, it is pig sale time again which means I'm either home by myself or a single mom a lot. We are excited this year because Sadie will be purchasing as well. T.S. did go to the sale today--we are putty in his hands sometimes. Robby is going to have a lot (60+) of pigs on feed this year, so it will be another fun, busy one.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Mama Cat
Busy day here today--nap for me all day while Robby and the kids prepped pig pens and helped mom keep the drills going. First pig sale of the year is tomorrow--Sadie is hoping to find a winner. I'm sure T.S. will be put out when he doesn't get to go with them.
The cats are crying, I guess it is time to eat again.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Some Thoughts
- Where did all of these flies come from? We have spent the day swatting flies--great entertainment for C.W. He thinks its funny one minute and feels badly for the flies the next.
- Love this "fall" weather we've been having. We've been blessed with some beautiful days this week.
- One morning this week as I walked to the pens to let the lambs out of their feeding pens, I had the privilege of witnessing a sunrise in the East and a full moon still up in the West. Way cool--I really ought to get out of bed earlier (HA).
- Where does all of this trash come from? How can a family of four end up with so much trash everyday?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
When I spoke with my sister in Magnolia (close to Houston) I was reminded how blessed we are. While we were enjoying rides at the fair, they were preparing for Hurricane Ike to blow through. They were without electricity until sometime Sunday. Thankfully it didn't take the full two weeks they were saying it would to get it back on and thankfully the Spiveys came through with no major damage. Tonight there are still millions of people without electricity and water. The damage is incredible in some areas. I am so grateful my family is okay and I'm blessed to have had a fun weekend with Robby and the kids. (you can see some of Jennifer's hurricane pics on their blog--the Spivey Story)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
T.S. rode his bicycle in the rain and had a glorious time. Yes, it was chilly today. It was either let him do that or have him interrupt homework or probably make Robby gouge a lamb with the clippers.
Sadie and Robby will take the lambs to the fair tomorrow. (after Robby has gotten the concession stand ready, finished up everything for the ag. mechanics contest and washed and clipped a pig) The BBQ Bus is at the fair (hallelujah!!) and I am told it looks awesome. Saturday will be a long day with Ag. Mechanics judging in the morning and lamb show starting in the afternoon.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
As for what we did today, T.S. and I bought lamb tights--pretty much stretchy t-shirts for lambs. How crazy that we are buying clothes for the lambs!! On top of that we picked pink and purple, because T.S. knew that is what Sadie would want--and it was. Now I'm wondering if the lambs (they are boys) will know they are wearing girl colors. Will they be embarrassed? Will this cause gender confusion? I'm not sure how you put the t-shirt with four leg "sleeves" on the lamb. It will probably be interesting. T.S. and Sadie are very intrigued that the "shirts" also have a hole in the belly for the "boy part." I'm hoping it all lines up correctly. I know you will all be on the edge of your seat waiting for the report. Definitely more to come...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What I've Learned Today
- Sometimes, you have to be an adult, even when it is not fun. (That's why T.S. and I are not at El Camino celebrating Bonza Bottler right now)
- I have a friend that has been labeled as "too positive" (how lucky am I?? what a cool thing to be)
- Baseball (or whatever you choose) on a nice day with your kids is way more important than a "clean" house
- Lambs are not very intelligent
- I don't negotiate with terrorists (see bullet point 1)
- I am blessed to get to spend the day with my child (he isn't always a "terrorist") and the kids whom I think of as mine. It is great to greet Sadie when she comes in the door from school.
- Life is good!!
Happy Bonza Bottler Day!!
What, you may ask, is Bonza Bottler Day?
To put it simply, Bonza Bottler Day is when the day of the month and the number of the month are the same (today is 9/9). It is a reason to get together with friends and celebrate. Celebrate what? Whatever you want. We started celebrating last spring--it has been a fun time to get together, eat, visit and just enjoy one another's company. So, start planning your celebration for October 10 today. Then, let me know how you celebrate Bonza Bottler Day!!! (for more info)
Our celebration tonight is supper at El Camino in Tulia--yum!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people.
He said, 'My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.'
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: 'Which wolf wins?'
The old Cherokee simply replied, 'The one you feed.'
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hooray, it's holiday time!!
an update: T.S. took the catalog to bed and fell asleep with it. This morning (Thursday), he met Jay at the door showing him all of the "stuff" he is "going to get." I cannot be more thrilled...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Cool Site
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Random Information
The Rules
- Smile
- Act like you want to be here
- Speak when spoken to
To my surprise, the kids took them very seriously and when they were referred to throughout the weekend, attitudes seemed to change. That Sunday we mused that Ronay had a definite beginning for a book and we'd have to travel around "testing" the rules. We all offered to be collaborators on the project.
I've thought about them a lot.I even enacted them on some junior high girls at the Happy Days dance. (they at least started smiling) They've even come in handy a time or two with the family. If everyone would make an attempt to follow "the rules" life would be much more pleasant.
Just a thought.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ever had a pickle-sickle? If we'd have been on the ball we could have marketed them. Saw in the back of a magazine where you can order "Bob's Pickle-sickles."
How come when we think something is a good idea, someone else has already made a million dollars off of it??
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Shack
The book is good on many levels. First, it is a pretty good story. It makes you think about your relationship with God. I felt like it was pretty much in line with my "theological" views--which may offend some people. I think it is controversial because it makes a lot of people uncomfortable. It brings into question who God is and how He appears (or doesn't appear) to people. I believe that God can be many different things to many different people. You and I may have a different picture of who God is and that's okay. It doesn't matter what He looks like, just that we have a relationship with Him.
I also think it is good to ask questions as the search for answers can cause our faith to grow and expand. There are, however, many "theologians" out there that would like for us to believe that God is rigid and only the way they teach us that He is. That he couldn't possibly be different to different people. They'd like us to believe that Church is what is important. Perhaps we get so involved in the politics and workings of the church we actually forget the real purpose of the church.
I've rambled enough without giving away the book, I'd love to know what you think about it if you read it. I won't be offended if you have a different view than I do. Who knows, we might learn something from one another. We could at least have adult conversation about it.
Guns at School??
This is off of the AP wire:
This article is from the local Amarillo paper:
Supposedly the board will decide which teachers are "stable" enough to be allowed to carry guns and they will only use a certain bullet that is "safer".
This bothers me for several reasons:
- Harrold has now announced to the whole world that they are a small school on a major highway with no law enforcement (I can see the crazy people plotting now)
- Do you really think a teacher won't eventually pull a gun on a misbehaving student??
- What is going to keep the students from getting the gun from the teacher--can you say mutiny?
- Guns will not prevent unstable people from trying to carry out whatever crazy plan they have on the school.
- Isn't "safe bullet" an oxymoron???
Maybe I'm a little old fashioned or short-sighted
The Way I See It
For what it is worth--we stay-at-home moms may not have a "job", but we do have intelligent thoughts in between changing diapers, laundry, and all the other things that go along with the "job" we don't have.