Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Incomplete Thoughts

When I started this blog for myself I really thought I had lots of profound thoughts to share with everyone. It turns out I do have them (thoughts) but when I have them it is at a time and place where I can't stop and write them down or run to the computer. Later, I can't remember them. I've been thinking about why I can't remember things very well and what I can do about the problem.
  • Kids seem to deplete brain cells faster than beer or wine ever could.
  • I find myself starting one thing, then being interrupted for another and not going back to complete the first thing. If I can't even remember what I was doing, then how can I remember what I was thinking?
  • Everything seems to be more important than what I'm thinking.

What to do about it:

  • I've been checking out a website that has a word of the day--problem is, trying to fit the word into a conversation with toddler boys is impossible. When an adult is finally here, I've forgotten the word.
  • The above website has word games. I play those, I think they are preserving a little bit of my brain function but definitely not improving or helping me regain any memory loss. (They always warned us that once you killed those brain cells they can't come back)
  • Saw an ad for a spa treatment that is supposed to help with memory. They were running a special--I thought the price wasn't bad. Until I realized the price per night just included your room. The price of the treatments would make you want to forget, not remember.

My conclusions: I think as a mom you just have to accept the fact that the mind is one of the first things to go and it is not necessarily your fault. Any suggestions on having complete thoughts and then remembering them are greatly appreciated. Maybe we could start a support group or get our disorder labeled as an "official disability." Then we could probably apply for government assistance or something.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Even Stranger News

Read this article, then see what I thought:

  • Imagine if PETA spent all of their energy and resources on something useful--they might could solve the energy crisis or end world hunger.
  • Picture a dairy with cows lining up waiting to be milked--now put lactating women in the place of the cows. Not a pretty picture.
  • If they were to pay women for their breast milk to make ice cream, wouldn't lots of children starve? Or worse yet--wouldn't they have to have formula (gasp)?
  • Could women even produce enough milk in a timely fashion to make large amounts of ice cream?
  • If milking cows is inhumane, then why is it okay to milk women?
  • The whole idea is just way gross.

Feel free to leave a comment about what you think.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Strange News

While perusing the Amarillo Globe News online today, I came across these two stories that cracked me up.
  • If you are going to steal a beer truck, make sure it is loaded (DUH)
  • Most stores have signs posted saying "No shoes, no shirt, no service." They didn't say anything about pants.

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I think I was offended.

Shopping in Wal Mart the other day (I know not my favorite but they have almost everything I need and very convenient) I was searching for play money. I turned down one aisle in the toys only to be flooded with pink on all sides. I looked up and the aisle was labeled "girls' role play." Okay, I thought, this is a long row just for dress-up clothes. Well, "girls' role play" seems to encompass all of the cooking stuff, Make-it-Bake-it ovens, play appliances, cleaning supplies, etc. Not only is it all on that aisle, most of it is in a pink box. And...I didn't see anything like tools or mechanics' toys...

How crazy! I have three boys at my house that love to bake cupcakes and play restaurant in the play room. Just yesterday they were taking turns feeding a baby doll and pushing her around in the stroller. One of them even went "grocery" shopping and ask me to find a sack so he could take his groceries home and then "go to work."

I am thrilled that these boys are willing to play and take on these "roles." Thank goodness they don't know that they are supposedly for girls. No wonder our society is so messed up--we start out early telling girls and boys what their role is supposed to be instead of letting them try everything out and decide that everyone can do everything. Thankfully no one told my husband what his is--he is the best vacuum runner I have ever seen and he knows his way around the kitchen.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Have you clicked today?

Every morning I have a computer routine--check e-mail, click for free mammograms, fill out entries to win extra boxtops, read the paper. Did you know you can go to this site and make one click to help fund mammograms. Right now they have a sponsor that will donate free mammograms if they reach a certain number of clicks. I have the site bookmarked--it only takes me a few seconds (okay maybe 1 minute) to go and click.

What a great way to start the day--by feeling like one click is making a difference. So, have you clicked today?

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm a Winner!!

I'm a winner today. I entered a contest for a book on this blog, and I actually won. I never win anything--how exciting!

I am also, according to some family members, a fount of useless knowledge. So, if you need to know something random, I am your answer. I don't think I'll charge for my services, yet. Although I did find out this weekend that you can not ask vets questions on the Internet for free--which I think is silly.

FYI--Biscuit opened his eyes today, so the kittens are between 10 and 14 days old. (see useless knowledge--but it isn't useless unless you don't use it, so HA)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy, Texas USA

UPDATE (10/03/08): The last few times I have tried to go to this site it was unavailable. Sorry if I led you on a wild goose chase.

Yes, there really is a Happy, Texas and yes, we're "happy in Happy" most of the time.
My friend, Rowdy, has put together a cool site with lots of info on/for/about Happy. I told him I'd plug it, so check it out:

On the family note, it is pig sale time again which means I'm either home by myself or a single mom a lot. We are excited this year because Sadie will be purchasing as well. T.S. did go to the sale today--we are putty in his hands sometimes. Robby is going to have a lot (60+) of pigs on feed this year, so it will be another fun, busy one.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mama Cat

Being a mama cat is hard--who knew you had to do all of this other stuff besides just feed them. I have a whole new admiration for mama cats now. Hopefully we are doing a good enough job and our new kitties will eventually thrive. If we could only get them all to poop.

Busy day here today--nap for me all day while Robby and the kids prepped pig pens and helped mom keep the drills going. First pig sale of the year is tomorrow--Sadie is hoping to find a winner. I'm sure T.S. will be put out when he doesn't get to go with them.

The cats are crying, I guess it is time to eat again.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Some Thoughts

  • Where did all of these flies come from? We have spent the day swatting flies--great entertainment for C.W. He thinks its funny one minute and feels badly for the flies the next.
  • Love this "fall" weather we've been having. We've been blessed with some beautiful days this week.
  • One morning this week as I walked to the pens to let the lambs out of their feeding pens, I had the privilege of witnessing a sunrise in the East and a full moon still up in the West. Way cool--I really ought to get out of bed earlier (HA).
  • Where does all of this trash come from? How can a family of four end up with so much trash everyday?

Sunday, September 14, 2008


We were fortunate to get to spend time together as a family working and playing at the fair this weekend. Sadie did a fantastic job at her very first lamb show. Robby's BBQ bus is finally done and looks amazing. He had lots of support from the community--even a group came up on Saturday for the results. His kids worked well together and were willing to help with the animals even though they were only there for Ag. mechanics. It was a great weekend--it was fun to see Robby working with his students. It was neat to watch Sadie hanging out with the "big kids." T.S. had a ball roaming from the chickens to the bus and then to the lamb pen. We were glad GeGe could come watch Sadie show. Between her, Jay and CW and the Brockmans, Sadie had quite a following.

When I spoke with my sister in Magnolia (close to Houston) I was reminded how blessed we are. While we were enjoying rides at the fair, they were preparing for Hurricane Ike to blow through. They were without electricity until sometime Sunday. Thankfully it didn't take the full two weeks they were saying it would to get it back on and thankfully the Spiveys came through with no major damage. Tonight there are still millions of people without electricity and water. The damage is incredible in some areas. I am so grateful my family is okay and I'm blessed to have had a fun weekend with Robby and the kids. (you can see some of Jennifer's hurricane pics on their blog--the Spivey Story)

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Robby and Sadie washed the lambs in the rain today. (see pics at Bow Family Adventures) The basketball goal that has been laying beside our driveway for a really long time was finally put to good use as a place to tie the lamb while it was being washed. C.W. enjoyed watching the process while playing in the garage. He can even tell the lambs apart and likes them very well from a distance. The t-shirts fit and all parts seemed to be in the proper place when I checked in on the shearing. The lambs didn't seem to mind their new attire, either.

T.S. rode his bicycle in the rain and had a glorious time. Yes, it was chilly today. It was either let him do that or have him interrupt homework or probably make Robby gouge a lamb with the clippers.

Sadie and Robby will take the lambs to the fair tomorrow. (after Robby has gotten the concession stand ready, finished up everything for the ag. mechanics contest and washed and clipped a pig) The BBQ Bus is at the fair (hallelujah!!) and I am told it looks awesome. Saturday will be a long day with Ag. Mechanics judging in the morning and lamb show starting in the afternoon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So, you need to go to my sister's blog and see the beautiful pictures she has just put on the title spot. She is way creative with photo shop elements (I don't even know what that is) and she is an outstanding photographer. I am very proud of her.

As for what we did today, T.S. and I bought lamb tights--pretty much stretchy t-shirts for lambs. How crazy that we are buying clothes for the lambs!! On top of that we picked pink and purple, because T.S. knew that is what Sadie would want--and it was. Now I'm wondering if the lambs (they are boys) will know they are wearing girl colors. Will they be embarrassed? Will this cause gender confusion? I'm not sure how you put the t-shirt with four leg "sleeves" on the lamb. It will probably be interesting. T.S. and Sadie are very intrigued that the "shirts" also have a hole in the belly for the "boy part." I'm hoping it all lines up correctly. I know you will all be on the edge of your seat waiting for the report. Definitely more to come...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What I've Learned Today

  • Sometimes, you have to be an adult, even when it is not fun. (That's why T.S. and I are not at El Camino celebrating Bonza Bottler right now)
  • I have a friend that has been labeled as "too positive" (how lucky am I?? what a cool thing to be)
  • Baseball (or whatever you choose) on a nice day with your kids is way more important than a "clean" house
  • Lambs are not very intelligent
  • I don't negotiate with terrorists (see bullet point 1)
  • I am blessed to get to spend the day with my child (he isn't always a "terrorist") and the kids whom I think of as mine. It is great to greet Sadie when she comes in the door from school.
  • Life is good!!

Happy Bonza Bottler Day!!

Happy Bonza Bottler Day!!
What, you may ask, is Bonza Bottler Day?

To put it simply, Bonza Bottler Day is when the day of the month and the number of the month are the same (today is 9/9). It is a reason to get together with friends and celebrate. Celebrate what? Whatever you want. We started celebrating last spring--it has been a fun time to get together, eat, visit and just enjoy one another's company. So, start planning your celebration for October 10 today. Then, let me know how you celebrate Bonza Bottler Day!!!http://www.bonzabottlerday.com/ (for more info)

Our celebration tonight is supper at El Camino in Tulia--yum!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Two Wolves

I received this email today and thought it was something worth posting.

One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people.
He said, 'My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.'
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: 'Which wolf wins?'
The old Cherokee simply replied, 'The one you feed.'

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hooray, it's holiday time!!

I know that all of you are just as excited as me. The first Christmas catalog arrived yesterday; you know, September is when we should all be thinking of shopping for Christmas. T.S. has managed to find a $80 racetrack and a $40 remote-control plane (yippee). He has been carrying the catalog ("magazine" as he calls it) around all afternoon. "Mom, this is only 6 dollars, I'm getting it. See, Sadie, this is what I'm getting." The countdown begins...

an update: T.S. took the catalog to bed and fell asleep with it. This morning (Thursday), he met Jay at the door showing him all of the "stuff" he is "going to get." I cannot be more thrilled...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Cool Site

Check out the Merriam-Webster page. It features a dictionary (of course), word of the day and many word games. The cool thing about the word games is you can solve them online or print them out. Good for those of us who need some brain stimulation and a fun learning tool for kids.