I need to check into planting some.
More to come--just haven't had time to upload pictures or organize my thoughts (don't hold your breath on the last one)
What's on your list?
BTW--I don't think any list like this is ever complete or set in stone. It is static--always changing. What was a priority one day may not be the next...
Things on this list might include:
See where I'm going with this? Me neither.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is okay to have big dreams and goals. But what may be more important than creating some check list of things to do before we die is to just live. Live in a way that fulfills you and makes the need for the list nonexistent.
Still to come: my list of things I'd REALLY like to do someday.
It is dry and windy here. We have been fortunate so far to not have any fires in our area. The wind does hamper lots of things like playing outside and hanging laundry. I guess it's just part of living in the Panhandle.
What to do when you get the "day-old" chicks home:
Once they are outside:
Feed and Water:
Please let me know if you have more chicken questions. I'm not an expert, but love learning more about them and will be happy to help you find an answer. The McMurray Hatchery site is a good place to start looking for information.