The exciting thing in this picture is not the broccoli (although it has a nice flavor). The exciting thing is the okra in the basket. I realize it isn't enough for a meal, but the kids and I are frying it today anyway. We have been patiently (or in my case impatiently) waiting for it ALL summer.
This year has been a strange one for our garden. The summer started out unseasonably cool--good for broccoli and Sadie's third grade cabbage. Bad for okra and tomatoes. The okra is finally beginning to produce and I am hopeful that we may harvest at least one tomato before frost. We have enjoyed potatoes,onions, squash, zucchini, corn and broccoli, so I shouldn't complain. The black-eyed peas are finally producing and the green beans are thinking about blooming. We'll probably dig the rest of the potatoes next week--it is too wet to right now. We have four different varieties of pumpkins growing, too.
Am I going to be able to put up all the vegetables I had hoped? No, but there is always next summer.
My garden has been strange this year too. I have had plenty of squash, cucumbers, onions and lettece. But my tomatoes are not doing well at all just have been able to pick 4 little ones so far? But our pumpkins and cantalope look great. My okra and corn Otis (our dog) got in my garden and chewed the stems on everyone of them while we were out of town!!!! so they didn't make it. My greenbeans didn't even sprout??? I am thinking of planting more of them soon I think I still have time for them to make.
Let me know if you replant green beans, it'll all depend on when our first frost falls as to whether or not you have time.
My grean beans are finally starting to put on...if I can find them among the grass and weeds, we may get to eat some.
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