Saturday, July 18, 2009

Post Script 2

So if you read yesterday's posts you know that I had severe problems shopping the other day. Now that Wal Mart has changed their packaging, I now have to actually READ the box of resealable bags before grabbing one out. Used to, I'd grab the red box for regular and blue for freezer. Easy--just grab and go. Sadie did point out that regular has a picture of corn on it and freezer has strawberries, but my feeble mind can't process such things. I stand there thinking, "Was corn freezer? No, it was regular, I'm not sure." If Wal Mart only knew the amount of time they are taking from my day by changing things!!


Bee Happy said...

Hey, you know speaking of packaging, I love to recycle and reduce, reuse...and Jana gave the kids folders and pencil holders that are made from recycled chip bags and capri suns. Terracycle. I am going to check it out, but it says that you earn 2 cents for every donated pouch for your school. I will try to help do that!!

Laura said...

Sounds cool, Christy. I've noticed that on the Capri Sun packaging. We really should check into it--although I could see that collection might be a little messy.